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Who is Prickle Pack Hedgehogs?
Prickle Pack are Jenna & Mathew Perlick. We have a love and history with hedgehogs that goes back over ten years. Mathew's mention of his first pet hedgehog, Jezebel, in his dating profile is what made Jenna message him, and the rest, as they say, is history!
We recently moved to Chicago and decided to start breeding hedgehogs to extend the love and joy they've given us to more people.
Yep, you read that right. We had a hedgehog themed wedding on April 5, 2014. We gave out hedgehog favors, had them on our invites, had hedgehog soaps, and our own sweet hedgehog, Sam, attended.

Hedgehog Wedding

Hedgehog Wedding

Hedgehog Wedding

Hedgehog Wedding

Hedgehog Wedding

Hedgehog Wedding
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